Weather and Feelings

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  •    A child acts out in class because of his or her rocky home life.
  •    A child is unable to control their impulses because they didn’t sleep the night before.
  •    A child is obstinate because they didn’t get to finish building their block structure before the teacher called them to circle.

Some of these behaviors could be alleviated if the child could communicate their feelings to someone.  (In a previous blog, we discussed how sign language can serve as a bridge while children are developing their spoken language.) 

Weather Report is a wonderful song to get children to not only recognize facial expressions but also to get “in tune” with their kinesthetic signals too.


After reviewing the classroom weather chart, explain that feelings can change just like the weather….and just like the weather, we look for signs to help us identify those feelings. 

How do we move if we’re angry? Possible answers-stamping feet, pounding fists, wrinkled faces

How do we move if we’re happy? Possible answers-jumpy, dancy, floaty

How do we move if we’re sad?  Possible answers-slow, droopy

Play the song Weather Report.

Follow up activities:

Weather Report: (in a group or in pairs)

One child is the meteorologist (perhaps with a blow up microphone) and another child is the “weather”.  The “weather” child demonstrates a feeling and the meteorologist identifies the emotion.

Home Communication:

Make a week’s calendar of feelings.  The children can color, write or place stickers on the various days to denote their weather/feeling.

Children with ASD: Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder have a difficult time reading facial expressions.  A “feelings board” is a good option to have available in the classroom/home.  For young children start with pictures of “happy” and “sad”.  As children grow, add different feelings such as tired, surprised, hungry, hot, cold, and frightened.  The pictures can simply be attached to a cardboard folder with Velcro.  The caregiver can remove the card and vocalize their observation to the child.  “You seem happy today.”  Or…the child can remove the card and give it to the caregiver to identify a feeling.