Teaching the Months of the Year in Songwriting Activities

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Teaching the months of the year provides great opportunities for songwriting activities in the classroom.  There are holidays and special events unique to each month that most students are usually quick to identify!

When writing songs with your students, other bits of information to include are
 • the number of days in the month
 • the typical weather
 • any other seasonal characteristics (such as leaves falling in the autumn months).

My students also like to include classroom birthdays. They love to hear their names mentioned in the song each weekduring their birthday month, and of course, "Happy Birthday" on the actual day 🙂

I make picture cards to go along with each month, which are then displayed on the music therapy schedule I show my students at the start of each session. You might consider having the class design those picture cards, or even draw pictures of the things or events mentioned in the song.  

[Editor’s note: Be sure to listen to Rachel’s song about September, in her previous post.]