Dr. Martin Luther King Day

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     The third Monday of January was made a national holiday by
President Ronald Reagan in 1983 to honor Dr. Martin Luther King.
That day is around the time of King’s actual birthday, January 15th.

     Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., was a black American minister who was the main leader ofthe civil rights movement in the United States during the 1950’s and 1960’s. He was a wonderful speaker
and was able to express well the demands of black Americans for justice.
He had a dream that our nation would rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed that all men are created equal.

     A speech he gave on August 28, 1963, at the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, D.C. called “I Have a Dream” was especially memorable. In it, he proclaimed, “Let freedom ring from the mighty mountains of New York. Let freedom ring from the snowcapped Rockies of Colorado. Let freedom ring from the slopes of California. Let freedom ring from Stone Mountain of Georgia. Let freedom ring from the Lookout Mountain of Tennessee…From every mountainside, let freedom ring!”

     He continued to say that when we allow freedom to ring from every village and every city, all of God’s children, no matter what color, will be able to join hands and sing the words of an old Negro spiritual, “Free at last! Free at last! Thank God Almighty, we are free at last!” These words are immortalized on his tombstone with one slight change. At the end it says, “I’m free at last!”

Listen to a sample of Dr. Martin Luther King.

Free Coloring Page for Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day

To help you observe Martin Luther King Jr. Day, we are happy to offer you this free printable coloring page.

Click Here to download this page.  Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. 

See also: Our songs for celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day:
    A Tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr.– Mary Miche
    Dr. Martin Luther King – Barbara Speicher
    I Have A Dream/This Is Our Moment – Mrs. Music
    Martin Luther King Jr. Song & Rap– Sharon Luanne Rivera
    Rise Up: Martin Luther King Day– Jack Hartmann
    Stand Up for Your Beliefs "Make a Difference"

Multiplication Skip-Counting Games

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As an elementary school music teacher, I’m required to integrate core subjects into my curriculum.  Since I only see each class for 30 minutes a week, I introduce one song per month and we play games to reinforce what was learned.

I take about 5 minutes before beginning my usual lesson to either play a song or to play games.  We play partial games throughout the month (just for about 5 minutes) for practice.  We only play full games about once a month and the winner of the game gets a prize. 

The Multiplication Freeze Beanbag Game uses the same rules as the "hot potato" game.   
     – One beanbag or a ball

     – Skip-counting multiplication songs, such as those on
Multiplication Jamz
Play a song from Multiplication Jamz while passing the beanbag.  This can be done in a circle, or students can stand in their own personal space.  When the music stops, the person holding the beanbag must say the next word in the song to stay in the game.  For example, if the song is Counting by 4s, and the words are 4, 8, 12, the music stops and the next word would be "16."  If the student answers correctly, he or she stays in the game, if not, he or she is out.  Then the music begins again and the winner is the last one standing.

The Multiplication ‘Round Game is a circle game.   
Material(s):  No materials are needed for this game. 
      Everyone stands in a circle.  Each person has to skip count beginning with any number from 1 to 12 to begin.  For example, if the first person begins with the number 4, the next person would say 8, then 12, and so on.  The sequence may be repeated over and over (4, 8, 12, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40, 44, 48, 4, 8, 12…).   

If someone hesitates or says a wrong number, he or she is out.  Then, the next person automatically begins with the first number of the sequence, which in this case, is the number 4.  I like to begin each round by saying, “1, 2 start with you”, and I point to the student who’s next in line.

Make Your Own Videos!
       In addition to games, if you know how to use any movie-making software, you can make your own music video featuring the students in your class.  Just write the lyrics to the songs on construction paper and make a slide show or movie of the children holding them.  Children love seeing themselves on television, so this a great way to get them involved. (As always, make sure that you have parent’s permission to display this video outside of your classroom.)

Listen to Counting by 6’s from Multiplication Jamz in the audio player, below.